Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hello. Howdy. Good morning.
Darkness slowly subsides.
New day.

Tick. Tick.

Some look. No one sees.
Lost in their own frustrations.
Typical day.

Tick. Tick.

Day in. Day out. Unobscured.
Obvious to all and none.
Maybe today.

Tick. Tick.

Explosion. Fire. Inevitable.
"Oh, but he seemed so nice."
Not today.

Tick. Tick.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fairy Tale for Adults

The sweet princess smiles, attracting the masses.
Her touch comforts millions; to her, they raise glasses.
She offers an alternative, spreading words of peace.
War, plague, and death – she prays that they cease.

The princess seems perfect, complete with her veil.
Her superhuman image is recalled before meals.
Her hands heal the sickness of people in pain.
Her name is chanted both in joy and in vain.

No one dares to ask from where her power originates.
Everyone accepts her as salvation, as their fate.
For although the princess seems to have a heart of gold,
Her ultimate secret is unquestioned, untold.

Under the covers of darkness, some whisper their theories.
Very few dare speak publicly of her stories.
For behind the veil is an evil, six-headed beast
Made of lies, yet on non-believers known to feast.

The beast causes destruction, burns buildings in its name.
Its majestic gestures gain both infamy and fame.
Ethnic cleansings, genocide – they continue and never end
For the beast is very good at the game of pretend.

It divides good and evil, yet both exist in it.
Eternity in hell is threatened to all who flinch.
It refuses to provide evidence as to why we are here;
Simply says to do good and not despair.

Without explanation, it has taken over the world.
Yet where would we be if the truth was widely heard?
If we had no fear of action and consequence,
Wouldn’t we already be with Providence?

Would there be random slayings without belief?
Would we ever hear the rustle of a leaf?
Or would earth be peaceful bits and pieces,
The princess-beast no longer needed?

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Look ahead
From day one.
Totally worth it.

Look at now.
Not worth it.

Look back
From death.
Lived without risk.
Really worth it?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Game of Pretend

Screwed up inside, but I don’t tell a soul.
No one knows the heavy weight my heart holds.
I put on a poker face and play the cards life deals,
Expressing freely what I think, never venturing into what I feel.

And so life continues, my truth kept well hidden from view.
I carefully guard that image, the one of just us two.
I’ll never let on how I feel; I’ve already known enough pain.
I couldn’t help but fall for you, but now I have nothing to gain.

Just meeting you was miracle enough, I keep telling myself.
You are the picture of perfection, but what of me now is left?
I know you were sent from heaven, for you healed so many wounds.
Yet in burning away my past and pain, you’ve reduced me to but a fume.

So here I am, back to square one, once again a shattered soul.
You fixed me, made me whole again, then sliced me and took your own toll.
I’ll always cherish what you meant to me, although you’ll never know.
I know I’ll never be truly free, until I learn to let you go.

I’ll relish your memory forever, keep it locked away in my heart.
But how can I go on when the nights won’t end, the days just won’t start?
I never thought this day would come, but I guess this is good-bye.
I promise you will always see me smile. You’ll never see me cry.